When I woke up yesterday and begrudgingly started getting ready for work, I noticed my Twitter and Facebook timelines were filled with friends expressing their extreme hatred for all the media coverage of Will & Kate’s royal wedding. Even though my dad is British and I have family there, honestly, I had no idea the wedding was even going down, let alone that it was this big of a deal…or at least that the media was trying to make it such an event.
While I understand why folks were so perturbed, I really couldn’t care less about the wedding or the media’s coverage of it. Yeah, they blew it up to an absurd degree. Um, that’s what they do. Perhaps I’m a jaded media studies major, but I don’t see why any of this is surprising or discouraging. Instead of getting annoyed by the coverage, I watched a little last night and above all, it reminded me how much I heart British people. The wedding was so old fashioned…so banal…so proper…and the people looked so…utterly miserable. THAT, my friends, is the British society I know and love.
I could write pages trying to explain the nuances of it all, but I think this Kate Middleton For The Win Tumblr site sums it all up brilliantly in every simple photo edit. Go there. Immediately!
In related news, I caught up on The Daily Show episodes I missed this week and I particularly enjoyed John Oliver returning to London to cover the wedding: