Weekend Workouts (Rainstorm + Tabata Fight Gone Bad)
Posted in Sports, Videos on September 1st, 2008 by HyphenEven though it was a holiday, this was one of the busiest weekends I’ve had in a minute. Thanks to the fine folks over at Foundation Crossfit, I was able to squeeze in two bad ass workouts. First up, from Saturday:
Tabata bottom to bottom squats (8 rounds of 20 secs on, 10 off, hold for the ‘rest’)
then as far as you can go in 20 minutes, in order:
100m sprint
25 burpees
30 pull ups
40 sit ups
50 kettlebell swings
60 second L-sit
70 push ups
800m run
90 second active hang
100 box jumps
I got through 700m of the 800m run before time expired. I love these kind of “checklist” workouts because you get a real sense of accomplishment as you’re flying through the exercises. Next up, tonight’s workout was “Tabata Fight Gone Bad” (see the video above):
8 rounds of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, with 1 minute rest in between exercises. Take your lowest score in each round and that’s your score for the exercise:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75lbs)
Box Jumps
Push Press (75lbs)
Wall Ball
Row (count calories burned)
I finished with 38 (in order: 10, 8, 6, 9, 5). Probably could have bumped that up by one or two, but this is a hard workout. Very fun though. Try it, or if you need some help getting started, hit up the Foundation fam!