Barack on Rolling Stone (again)

Posted in Politics on June 27th, 2008 by Hyphen


Chyea, you know how we do.

The media studies major in me instantly noticed that they have him smiling at his much talked about flag pin.  I’m sure the haters will (incorrectly) try to twist that into some sort of “he’s LOL’ing at America!!!!” criticism, but I think it represents something else.  Even though he “gave in” and donned the pin, he’s smiling at how silly politics are in our country.  The fact that whether or not you wear a pin dominates headlines for months, while America turns into the Titanic says a whole lot about our society.  If we continue to concern ourselves with trivial ish, we’re gonna sink.  It’s time to educate ourselves, study the issues, and vote for the candidate we believe in.  Aight?

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