Emilio Rojas ft. Killer Mike – FTW (video)

Posted in Artists, Music Videos on June 4th, 2011 by Hyphen

The homies Emilio and Court Dunn link up for the “FTW” video off Life Without Shame.  I’d love to play this one on Sound Session, but something tells me it wouldn’t go over that well with the FCC.  Haters.

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I heart British people

Posted in Comedy, News, Videos on April 30th, 2011 by Hyphen

When I woke up yesterday and begrudgingly started getting ready for work, I noticed my Twitter and Facebook timelines were filled with friends expressing their extreme hatred for all the media coverage of Will & Kate’s royal wedding.  Even though my dad is British and I have family there, honestly, I had no idea the wedding was even going down, let alone that it was this big of a deal…or at least that the media was trying to make it such an event.

While I understand why folks were so perturbed, I really couldn’t care less about the wedding or the media’s coverage of it.  Yeah, they blew it up to an absurd degree.  Um, that’s what they do.  Perhaps I’m a jaded media studies major, but I don’t see why any of this is surprising or discouraging.  Instead of getting annoyed by the coverage, I watched a little last night and above all, it reminded me how much I heart British people.  The wedding was so old fashioned…so banal…so proper…and the people looked so…utterly miserable.  THAT, my friends, is the British society I know and love.

I could write pages trying to explain the nuances of it all, but I think this Kate Middleton For The Win Tumblr site sums it all up brilliantly in every simple photo edit.  Go there.  Immediately!

In related news, I caught up on The Daily Show episodes I missed this week and I particularly enjoyed John Oliver returning to London to cover the wedding:

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Freddie Gibbs – National Anthem (F*ck The World) (video)

Posted in Artists, Music Videos on July 31st, 2010 by Hyphen

That different kind of For The Win.  FTW.

Gibbs is a perfect example of how you can be a lyricist and still make ‘hard’ records.  This chorus is something that Pac himself would be proud of.

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