Regular listeners of Sunday Night Sound Session probably remember that a few weeks ago, J and I gave out a bunch of these Northwest Fresh mixtapes on the air. Since we’ve already handed out more than a thousand of ’em in the Seattle streets at various KUBE events, it’s time to post up and blast it out officially to the net.
Truth be told, it’s past time, as this collection has been finished for months. So that said, the music on here isn’t necessarily that new, but it’s still dope and it’s a good collection of artists that are making some great hip-hop and R&B here in the Seattle area. If you’re up on the town bidness, you’ve probably heard all these tracks. If not, you can take this as a good introduction to one of the most slept on scenes in the country. Shout to Mountain Dew’s Green Label Sound for sponsoring the project.

Download here.
(back up link – http://sharebee.com/0dcb06ea )