I never thought I’d ever utter the words, “I’m on the cover of a magazine,” but thanks to Thomas and the good folks over at Jenesis, I can cross that off the bucket list! If you aren’t familiar with Jenesis, it’s a really dope online mag that everyone who frequents this site should enjoy. They routinely profile great artists and show love to pretty much everyone that we support via TAOD and Sound Session. Be sure to download this month’s article to check out the feature on yours truly, along with some dope pieces that round out the “DJ’s vs. Bloggers Issue.”
Download here – January 2010 Jenesis Magazine
Much like the article in the Seattle P.I. highlighting J. Moore, SNSS, and myself, I’m flattered and very appreciative of the support Jenesis is giving with this piece. Many thanks to the owner Thomas Agnew and the writer Mike Wilson. Thanks fellas!