Wack Lyric of the Day, 7-15-08
Posted in Artists, Wack Lyric of the Day on July 15th, 2008 by Hyphen(i coulda used “peace, love, and Gap“)
“It’s the C-double-O, and I’m back again”
–Common, “Time Travelin'”
Com’s in my top 5 all-time and Like Water For Chocolate is one of my favorite albums, but that little freestyle/adlib always stuck out. In the build up to the verse, you hear “it’s the C-O-double-M-O-N” a few times, so this one didn’t quite fit. ?uestlove pointed it out on OKP right after the album dropped, but said they all heard it and decided to just let it slide. I guess the Coomon does what he wants.