Common on Westwood, Parts 2 & 3

Posted in Artists, Other Peoples' Interviews, Videos on July 17th, 2008 by Hyphen

What’s up with dropping the parts separately?  Holler @ organization.  Anyway, shout to Dave Smith from across the pond for pointing out some doper British DJ’s we should check for.  I’m on it.  Part 3 of the Com interview after the jump.

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Common on Westwood

Posted in Artists, Other Peoples' Interviews on July 16th, 2008 by Hyphen

Do people still use the word “tool”?  If so, Tim Westwood fits that perfectly.  What a lame.  Anyway, he interviewed Com Sense across the pond and I’m posting it for 3 reasons.  1) I didn’t realize Com was going to be in the next Terminator flick (w/Christian Bale, chyea).  2) Invincible Summer deserves all the publicity it can get, since I think it’ll be a great record.  3) Watching Westwood interview a rapper is like watching a train wreck.  I cringe but I just can’t look away.  To my British brethren, what DJ’s from England should we be checking for over here?  Semtex seems to be one, but other than that, I’m lost.  School me.

Spotted at Eskay‘s.

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